Contact the Church Office or Jim Willison for Details.
With Guest Speaker John Crafton.
Gentlemen, Just a reminder about the retreat. Please let me know if you plan on attending so I can make arrangements for our lunch.\
The cost is $20.00 which will cover lunch and our love offering to John for bringing us the message. Our agenda should look something like this.
We will start at 9:00 A.M. at the church with some praise music by C.A and then John will lead us in two teaching sessions.
Weather permitting we may go out to North Lakes for some hiking around the lake or walking on paved trail or some other activities to work off lunch.
Returning to church to follow up with one more teaching session and then dismiss.
The message that John will be teaching on is “Mighty Men of Valor”. We should all have a great time.
Please invite any friends to the event.