Fifty Plus Luncheon in October @ Asbury!
Hey 50+er’s in on October 1st join us for fellowship at the luncheon. Bring our favorite dish to share!
Hey 50+er’s in on October 1st join us for fellowship at the luncheon. Bring our favorite dish to share!
To Dream and to Work To dream about painting and not also to work at it doesn’t ever bring about a painting. To dream about creating a new world that is not teetering on the edge of total destruction and not to work at it doesn’t make a peaceful world. So it is important that …
Doorway to Life There is always room for great hope. For at every level of despair there is the possibility of giving up. In the midst of every dimension of delusion there are sparkles of sanity…. In the early years of life, giving up usually takes the form of faith. A leaping forward into a …