We Three Kings
Happy New Year! As a new part of the Arbor, we will dive deeper into one of the hymns for Sunday. Today’s hymn is “We Three Kings of Orient Are” with commentary by William J. Petersen and Ardythe Petersen:
Everyone knows that the wise men brought gifts, but what was the significance of those gifts?
John Henry Hopkins, and Episcopalian minister, pondered this question in 1857 and then wrote this popular Christmas carol.
Gold was a gift for a king. Frankincense was brought by priests as they worshipped God in the Temple. Myrrh was a spice used in burial. Thus, the wise men honored Jesus as King, God, and Sacrifice.
The hymnwriter clearly spells this out in verse two, three, and four. How then are we to approach the Babe of Bethlehem? What can we bring the King of kings? What incense can we offer as priests of our God? How can we recognize the divine Sacrifice in our daily lives?
We all have many gifts to offer, whether they be through our acts of mercy, musical talents, or administrative skills. Asbury has numerous opportunities to share your gifts. Whether they be contributing to our in-person worship by volunteering to greet people at the door, helping to clean up after worship, or volunteering with our food bank Asbury Relief Ministry (ARM), or serving remotely by sharing our digital service on your social media platform, helping to create a care calling tree, or praying for our church, your gifts are worthy of our Lord. Prayfully consider how you would like to serve in the upcoming year, and feel free to contact me using the following website contact form.
May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all! See you Sunday!
-Victor Lazado